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Locking humeral nail system

Body part: Humerus
Fracture location: Diaphyseal

General information:

The locking humeal nail is primarily designed to treat fractures in the diaphysis at various heights. In addition, it can also be used for simpler fractures in the upper third due to the proximal end offering three horizontal and one oblique planes for fixation. It can be inserted in both anterograde and retrograde directions.

The nails are slightly curved to facilitate their insertion, and are available in both solid and cannulated versions. The proximal end has four possible locking directions, including one oblique plane pointing toward the greater tubercle. Distally, you can perform locking from both the anterior-posterior (AP) and lateral directions.

Both stainless steel and titanium alloy material options are available.

Product catalogue:

1.5. Humeral nailing system
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Implants of the system (You can reach further product information by clicking on the product image):


Locking humeral nail